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Arturia MiniBrute

Some pictures from the inards

Yves Usson kindly published the complete schematics and pcb layouts for the Arturia Minibrute (see Since the pcbs use ground planes reading the individual traces and the part numbers is quite difficult. I used photoshop to create some more readable versions of these documents like they would look when created in the pcb layout program EAGLE or in a Roland service manual; but i had to remove the ground planes. So these files show mostly none of the ground traces! I publish them here with the kind permission of Yves:
This file contains:

  • Arturia-MiniBrute-AnalogBoard-Bottom.png (pcb bottom view)
  • Arturia-MiniBrute-AnalogBoard-BottomParts.png (the silkscreening with partnumbers for the bottom side)
  • Arturia-MiniBrute-AnalogBoard-Top.png (pcb top view)
  • Arturia-MiniBrute-AnalogBoard-TopParts.png (the silkscreening with partnumbers for the top side)
  • Arturia-MiniBrute-DigitalBoard-Bottom.png (pcb bottom view)
  • Arturia-MiniBrute-DigitalBoard-BottomParts.png (the silkscreening with partnumbers for the bottom side)
  • Arturia-MiniBrute-DigitalBoard-Top.png (pcb bottom view)
  • Arturia-MiniBrute-DigitalBoard-TopParts.png (the silkscreening with partnumbers for the bottom side)
I also provide the photoshop files, where you can handle the layers individually:

Soon to come more