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Subject: RE: [chromapolaris] Re: Strange modulation emerging during decay on 1-3

From: "Paul D. DeRocco" <pderocco@...>
Date: 2012-09-19

> From: synthwookie
> Yeah Paul it doesn't seem to do that... if you turn the voice
> off it goes to negative volts again. But as soon as you hit
> a note the volume goes to zero and sets there indefinitely I
> think... weird..

Well, now I'm confused. Your last post said, "Sustains with that level at
zero then turns off w/out it moving." Could you rephrase that? Are you
playing a scratch sound, or something with a non-infinite decay time on the
volume envelope, or something with some nonzero release time on the volume
envelope? What is the voltage doing, and what is the sound doing?

> Anyway hopefully can figure the source of it here. The
> 4051's made no difference. Those caps never leak I'm sure
> and to have 3 paralell channels? Odd. Maybe I should just
> hose the whole board with chemtronics..might be a residue
> issue around the S_H 's

Well, Clean is Good, but so far I don't think you've got a S&H problem.


Ciao, Paul D. DeRocco
Paul mailto:pderocco@...