Getting ready to try to dump the factory sysex files from from David Clark into my newly DeRocco'd Polaris! It's great! It works! If I can do this, I'll get my other Polaris repaired and either sell it or bask in the opulent life of twin Polarii (is that the plural of Polaris?).
I ran across this free SysEx Librarian (for Mac OX): on other forums it works well and was highly recommended it as a substitute for SoundDiver.
Has anyone used it? Any caveats? Should I reduce the speed of the transmission for the Polaris?
Can I dump the whole batch or do I have to send patches one at a time? I was a little confused by this on the sysex info page.
I suspect more questions will come, but the answers to these questions should be enough to start getting me in trouble.
Richard Sales