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> From: minimelismaIn one way I'm glad I was right about there being some junk in the
> Thanks, Paul. I finally found some free time and was able to
> resolve the panel issue. I'm happy to report that the problem
> was just a remnant of the old tail clogging the connector, as
> you said. Didn't need to break out the multimeter for that! I
> knew it wasn't your panels, but some stupid mistake on my
> part that was to blame.
> On the other hand, I'm still having trouble resolving twoI seem to recall that originally we used some larger sliders, more like
> other unrelated issues: The mod/pitch levers still aren't
> responding and the linear potentiometer sent me
> (the same as pictured on their site) to replace the
> "assignable control" slider doesn't seem to match the old
> component. It's not as wide, and the pinout doesn't match up.
> Strange. The only thing I can think to do is rebuild the old
> one using the internals from the new one. I'll let you guys
> know if that works out, but I'm still clueless about the
> mod/pitch issue. Seems like they should be functioning, as
> they even still have their... springiness about them.
> Also, my unit still has what I believe are the originalMight as well put in new ones. The old ones may be approaching the point
> D-cell batteries? Matsushita brand? Remarkably, they're still
> working, and show no signs of corrosion, but I just know that
> they should be replaced at this point.