I've launched a complete revamp of my Rhodes Chroma site, which
includes a section of Polaris resources:
http://www.rhodeschroma.com/?id=polarisMy site has from the beginning been dedicated to the original Chroma,
not the Polaris. I don't own a Polaris--I've never even played one!
However, with a lack of resources on the web and the obvious "family
relationship," I've received a steady stream of questions and requests,
and there are occasional Polaris-related posts to the ChromaTalk
mailing list (I've provided links to highlights from the archives).
In addition to manuals and a bit of historical information, there are
also some patches and sequences available; and a fledgling instrument
registry, inspired by the success of the Chroma registry I started in
1999, which now includes over 140 instruments.
http://www.rhodeschroma.com/?id=polarispatcheshttp://www.rhodeschroma.com/?id=2123Send me more information and I'll post it.
I will announce new pages and articles via this mailing list; minor
changes will also be tracked through an RSS feed. Point your favourite
news aggregator to this URL:
http://www.rhodeschroma.com/rss/polaris.xmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS (article on RSS)