Subject: Good Pedals and a question...
From: "colmaouno" <colmao187@...>
Date: 2005-04-12
Nevermind, PS-10 sustain pedal works just fine (at least it sustains notes). The SCI
Prophet 600 footswitch can be found at It works great
as the tempo footswitch. If anybody else knows what these pedals can do other than
tempo and sustain let me know. Looking at the Assignable Control of the CP i can see a
couple of pedal controls (cutoff pedal, pitch pedal, etc.) but nothing really happens when I
use the pedals.
To my knowledge the CP is multitimbral. How can I get it to play these 8 different sounds?
Right now I can only hear 2 when I split the kybd and use link upper or lower or just link