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> From: btmckee9@...21 cents is definitely bad. Even 8 sounds like there's something slightly wrong.
> The behavior changes between channels. Channel 5 is more
> consistent than channel 6, but it also tends to go sharp on
> the high notes and flat on the low notes (although that
> didn't seem to be the case before we swapped the oscillators
> with channel 6, see below, but again things are ... confusing
> since we don't know what the proper behavior is. Channel six
> is off by as much as 21 cent on the low end, where as channel
> 5 is typically only 8 or so.
> We swapped the switches and it didn't seem to make a
> difference. We swapped the op amps, and it didn't seem to
> make a difference. We swapped the oscillators and there was a
> change, even after calibration, but the behavior is still
> pretty much the same although channel 5 may have gotten
> worse... It's hard to tell...
> I'm tempted to try putting in new caps on the op-amp feed
> circuit since I have the right kind, but there are eight and
> pulling the board for no reason seems at best reckless.
> While I'm still here, is there anything else we can try?
> I'm going to read the previous posts and look at the ADC circuit.