> From: "gregorius_12" <gregorius_12@...>
> .. How on earth do I save sounds on it? =)
Greg - if the question is 'I have a sound I like - and now want to keep
it for later - how do I do that...' then you'll do:
UPPER FUNCTION (the upper function LED should flash)
STORE PROGRAM (i.e., the "1" button. When you press it the UPPER
FUNCTION LED should come on solid, and the "1" LED will flash).
Now it wants you to select a location - so a 'letter' button and a
'number' button.
You might (for instance) press "D" and then "4". Once the second button
is pressed, the UPPER FUNCTION and STORE PROGRAM LEDs should extinguish,
and your patch will be available by selecting the letter/number you
chose (e.g., D4)