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Subject: RE: [chromapolaris] Bulk data dump/ bulk data transmit

From: "Paul D. DeRocco" <pderocco@...>
Date: 2009-07-29

> From: thomas wilk
> I have 12 sounds stored on my Polaris, (A1 - A 12). How do I
> save these sounds on my computer? I have sysex librarian, a
> program on my MAC that can record sysex data. How do I get the
> Polaris to transfer its sound data? I have read the manual many
> times and tried many things and nothing seems to quite work. I
> know it can easily be done.
> Second,
> once I have saved the sounds on my computer, how do I restore the
> sounds if they are deleted? How do you set up the Polaris so
> that it loads sounds? I know this can easily be done also, but
> cannot figure it out even with the manual's help.

The only panel-accessible function for sending a program out of the Polaris
is LOWER FUNCTION, CASSETTE, 12, which transmits the current program in the
Main Workspace in such a manner that if it is received by another Polaris,
or recorded and played back into the same Polaris later, loads that program
into the Main Workspace again, from whence it can be manually saved
somewhere. This is mentioned on p94 of the Owner's Manual.

There are other more versatile Sysex messages for reading and writing stored
programs directly, but they all require the generation of one or more Sysex
commands by the computer, and can't be manually invoked by the control
panel. These are all documented in the MIDI Implementation manual.


Ciao, Paul D. DeRocco
Paul mailto:pderocco@...