A friend of mine sent this to me...
>As i've said before, the Schaltwerk is perfect for
>Miinmal Techo. Nothing else comes close. But the lack
>of features makes one lock it up to another sequencer
>for pads and chords.
>All those boxes don't have the visual advantage of
the >Schaltz. The Zeit seems like a pipe dream, I
have yet >to see them go into production. Plus it only
has 4 >rows. The P3 is amazing, but only one row. The
>Oberkorn is kinda weak. The Schrittmacher looks to be
>the shit as well. As far as having 8 rows and seeing
>where you are at all times, the Schaltwerk kills
>everything as far as being visual. The features are
>weak sauce though, I admit it. It can't do pads,
>midifiles, or chords at all. There are some gimacky
>chord/gator functions in the Schaltz but they don't
do >shit. The Octopus from genoQs seems to be the best
>thing out there. I just hope Dieter comes through for
>all the people that are waiting for that last run.
>James U.
--- ringmod45 <
> wrote:
> ____
> Hi Matteus,
> Have you considered the Sequentix P3 sequencer.
> www.sequentix.com
> It pretty much the most creative sequencer out
> there. Sold my
> schaltwerk at a loss and never looked back( I am
> still upset about
> it). At best, the Schaltwerk is a glorified TR-808
> drum style
> sequencer with 16th step note values and a great
> visual display, too
> bad the cpu and software are very limited.
> You could also consider the Zeit from Infection
> Instruments.
> From the software side, you could try Numerology if
> you are a Mac
> www.five12.com
> The Octopus from genoQs, which is inspired from the
> Latronic Notron.
> www.genoqs.net/4554.html
> And last but not least, the Signal Arts MAPS, which
> has a midi2cv onboard.
> www.signalarts.ca/
> RM
> ___________________
> > Let´s hope someone someday makes a stepsequencer
> that´s
> > a combination of Schaltwerk / MAQ 16/3, maybe only
> with
> > a single row of 16 endless rotary knobs AND
> gateswitches.
> > With track ,pattern and funktion of knobs
> selection
> > and the possibility to step sequences thru analog
> inputs
> > like on DSI Evolver.
> > Please get it ALL right some day!
> >
> > ( Sounds like I´m letting of steam here)
> >
> > Matteus
> >
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