Well, I just tried using my A155 as a VCO, clocking it from an A111 VCO
square wave. It sort of works for about 1/2 a second then the A155 shuts
down (stops cycling). Pull out the clock cable from the A111 and reinsert,
and it works for 1/2 second then stops. Incidentally its also running at
1/8 of the freq of the A111 (of course) so even with the A111 cranked way
up, I only get a bass-ish sound. Doesn't run long enough to actually fiddle
with the knobs to change the timbre though. Anyone else get it to work or
are there other ways to approach it
-----Original Message-----
It is interesting that too hear that the A155 could make a graphic VCO
with the standard VCO...
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