May I suggest for a basic system:
Top Row Left-to-Right:
HP2 Blank
A-118 Noise
A-111 High End VCO
A-114 Dual Ring Mod
A-138C Polarizing Mixer
A-108 VCF8
A-131 Exp VCA
Bottom Row L-R:
A-190 Midi-CV
A-165 Trig Mod
A-146 LFO
A-156 Dual Quantizer
A-148 Dual S&H
A-170 Dual Slew
A-180 Multiples
A-141 VC EG
A-140 EG
A-101-2 Low Pass Gate
A-139 HPA
The combination was inspired by the ARP 2600, but lacks the reverb.
On the other hand it can do so much more. You have 3 Oscillators
with hard and soft sync, all 4 waveforms, linear FM, and pulse width
modulation. The polarizing mixer enables waveform addition AND
subtraction. You have 2 different filters, one of which gives 4
slopes of lpf and bandpass simultaneously. You have two different
VCA's. Five modules actually give double of the same function. You
have midi in. ...and the Headphone amp provides a safe output
voltage for external devices.
In a portable case it's good to go!
I'd send a graphic here but the list won't permit.
Planning different configurations of your own system is going to be fun!
Consider the other suggestions from the group, too.
Good luck,