Don't know if this is what you're looking for, but there's an excel sheet
that is useful for planning an A100 system at the URL below
It comes with the modules for a basic system pre-selected, but you can
easily change that.
Kind regards,
On 4/18/06, Andrew Capon <
> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Thanks to all those that have answered, it looks like I am going to have
> to put some more thought into this.
> Is there an overview document of all the modules I can download rather
> than looking on the Doepfer website
> Cheers
> Andy
> ________________________________
> From:
> On Behalf Of sfrules
> Sent: 18 April 2006 13:33
> To:
> Subject: Re: 1 Thinking of getting a a-100 basic system
> Hello,
> May I suggest for a basic system:
> Top Row Left-to-Right:
> HP2 Blank
> A-118 Noise
> A-111 High End VCO
> A-111
> A-111
> A-114 Dual Ring Mod
> A-138C Polarizing Mixer
> A-108 VCF8
> A-131 Exp VCA
> Bottom Row L-R:
> A-190 Midi-CV
> A-165 Trig Mod
> A-146 LFO
> A-156 Dual Quantizer
> A-148 Dual S&H
> A-170 Dual Slew
> A-180 Multiples
> A-141 VC EG
> A-140 EG
> A-101-2 Low Pass Gate
> A-139 HPA
> The combination was inspired by the ARP 2600, but lacks the reverb.
> On the other hand it can do so much more. You have 3 Oscillators
> with hard and soft sync, all 4 waveforms, linear FM, and pulse width
> modulation. The polarizing mixer enables waveform addition AND
> subtraction. You have 2 different filters, one of which gives 4
> slopes of lpf and bandpass simultaneously. You have two different
> VCA's. Five modules actually give double of the same function. You
> have midi in. ...and the Headphone amp provides a safe output
> voltage for external devices.
> In a portable case it's good to go!
> I'd send a graphic here but the list won't permit.
> Planning different configurations of your own system is going to be fun!
> Consider the other suggestions from the group, too.
> Good luck,
> sfrules
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