> > > quality is very high, but more than 500 $ is quite expensive.
> > and by the way: I saw, that the cwejman EQ does not continuously add
> or
> > subtract the corresponding band asyou would expect it from a mixing
> > console's EQ. You have to switch between add or subtract. So it is
> > assumingly nothing else than a A127 plus inverters for the original
> mix
> > (incl. the switches 5 Euro of material).
> >
> > It should be a very simple addon package (one TL064, eight resistors,
> > three switches) which would modify the A127.
> >
> > Florian
> >
> well, yes, and i guess you also need some vca's for
> voltage-control of bandwidth and level per filter.
Hello Florian, Ingo,
Sounds like a good idea for an a-127 expansion module to me!
I agree with Ingo that the ideas that are not yet finished should not
be forgotten, but at the same time it';s fun to think of new modules,
so I actually have several ideas (sorry :)
1. A second A-108, but this time arp-style
2. Equal Temperament Quantizer that does different ET's
3. Timbral Quantizer that can derive (dynamic, real time) scales
from timbres from vco-type modules, like a custom made sinus
bank, fm-operator, or a custom ring modulator.
4. (See 3.) Some oscillators or sound sources that would be
specially built to work togethjer with the timbral quantizer, so you
don't need to do Fourier analysis to derive a scale from a timbre, but
you can derive the spectral information you need from the settings
of the sound source using some (digital) mathematics.
5. expansion-module for both quantisers (maybe even for the a-156)
for creating custom scales and arpeggio's
I'll write down more about idea's 2-5 as soon as possible