I think the A154/155 is great, but I'd like to have it more modular.
* Clock controlled address counter (= masterclock)
* CV adress generators (this might be the module Andrew Maunder was
thinking about when asking for editable digital signals)
* Possibilities to modify address busses on digital level (partially
with already existing digital modules could be used)
* 16 step switch row scanner (=trigger sequencer) with 4bit adress input
and option for stacking. Should work bidirectional (one input is
distributed via address to 16 outputs anc vice versa).
* 16 step potentiometer row scanner (=CV sequencer), all features as the
switch scanner.
* Interfaces for the existing A155 and A154.
* optional relais interface or MIDI-Out-Interface (Dieter could use
parts from the OEM series).
More Ideas to come...