The buchla 259 , and buchla modules in general, are special(unique)
because of the distinction between CV and signal patching, the signal
voltages are 1vpp, and the VCO uses a triangle core. I paraphrase a
quote from Mr.Buchla in which he states somthing along the lines if:
audio signals are negatively impacted by harmonic distortion and
tolerate DC offset nicely, on the other hand control voltages are
unaffect by harmonic distortion yet ipacted by DC offset. By
distinguising between and designing a ciruit with unique paths for
each, the underlying circuitry can be designed for maximum performance
of each.
That said, it makes no sense for doepfer to clone a 259 in function
only since the fidelity, wide range, wave shaping and fm response are
the primarily benefits of the module.
I suppose if Mr.Doepfer designed a module that had extrordinary
fidelity, extrodinary wave shaping capabilities, wide range unswitched
tracking, amplitude modulation, wave shaping modulation, and unmatched
FM response, then it would be worth it.
That said, I doubt Doepfer customers want a Dual VCO that costs $600+
USD like the Cynthia Zeroscillator.
--- In
, "selfoscillate"
> hehehe yes, i know, sorry for the confusion.
> but i'm still hoping that the guy who posted the
> original mail is willing to answer this question.
> how would a buchla 259 compare to all those other
> vco's out there, in regard of it's basic sound.
> i really want to know what makes it superior over
> other vco's.
> best wishes
> ingo