Hi everyone.
I need to purchase a MIDI - CV converter and would like to use with my A-100 and MAX/
msp, but also with a keyboard. I'm looking for a very versatile unit and so the mcv 24
looks nice with all those outputs.
The Doepfer mcv 24 seems like the most powerful/versatile option out there, but it seems
odd that you have go into the parameters to change LFO speed. Someone out there in the
forum awhile back said they much prefered a Kenton MIDI - CV unit and I was wondering
why. Does anyone prefer any other units why
Could anyone with experience with these units write a sentence or two on the drawbacks/
advantages of the unit they have, if you have a minute to spare.
Even a link to some resource on the net would be of help. The product descriptions all
read like ads. I do need a starting tip.
Thanks for any quick words.