Bringing my head above ground here for a second to give you the
scoop on a very easy, yet effective modification to the Quad A/R
Gen, the A-143-1.
As you know, I like long envelopes. Adding a ON-OFF-ON switch
which will short in two additional caps across the 143-1's
'money' (timing) cap will get you there if you want by adding the
very same range switch function inherent on the Doepfer ADSR.
I've uploaded a diagram into the photos section of this
yahoogroup (pardon the snap - it was done on my cell phone).
It's entotled A143-1mod.jpg. It shows the mod itself (easy) and
where I opted to locate the switches, which nestled in neatly in
the blank area above the Voltage Output jacks of EG's 2, 3 and 4.
In that there wasn't an easy way to integrate the switch into the
first EG, I left that one alone.
Using an ON-OFF-On switch allows you to to take the additional
caps out of the circuit altogether if you care to (switch resting in
the center position).
BTW - this mod can be added to any EG. All you have to do is
find the timing cap and short additional caps over it. In this
specific mod, I used a 47uf on one side of the switch and a
150uf on the other. So, long and loooooong.
enjoy (or not!)
- P