Hello there,
my first time here , and i discover there are other people with same problem,
Fortunately i resolved it following the tricks gived me by mail from mr doepfer.
I sent a message of program change as it write on the user's manual, followed by a
message of note on
the machine now works at his best.
--- In
, "Dimitri Pike" <wildtek.concept@...> wrote:
> I remember that I had the same problem a while ago.
> I read again in details the MS-404 manual two or three times and
> finally found that I was wrong when sending program changes to the MS-
> 404.
> If this can help you to solve this problem, try to send these PRG
> changes to your MS-404 :
> Key Assign Mode 'Highest Note' : PRG 15
> Key Assign Mode 'Last Note' : PRG 16
> Key Assign Mode 'reference note' : PRG 17
> Key Assign Mode 'Stack Note' : PRG 18
> Dimitri