hello anton,
this sounds very interesting!
dieter, should i create a poll about such a module
best regards,
--- Anton Coops <
> wrote:
> Hi Bakis,
> Don't know if you still accept new idea's for
> modules, but just in case:
> simple patch recall / patch sequencing module
> (perhaps another
> extension for the upcoming ad/da-module).
> The possibility to store simultaneously 3 or more
> high precision cv-
> values as a sort of 'patch', combined with the
> posibility to store quite
> a few of these 'patches' and the possibility to run
> through these
> patches in various ways, not unlike the different
> ways you can run
> through the steps of an analog sequencer.
> Example applications:
> 1. feed various patches of 3 voltages to the a-127
> for various
> formants, from aiaiaiiii to waaaaooowww and back
> again :-)
> 2. create chords and chord-progressions by feeding a
> sequence of
> patches with 3 different voltages simultaneously to
> 3 vco's
> 3. generally for all kinds of simple patch recall,
> like fine tuned
> settings of filters, wave multiplier, vactrol phaser
> etc.
> ok, back to the football!!
> Anton
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds
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