hello david,
i'm afraid that this solution would eat up too much
panel space, but anyway i will put it on the list too.
best wishes
--- In
, David Salter <david.salter@...>
> Hi Ingo,
> I've always like the idea of the Emu VCO with individual octave
> switches, thus allowing you to switch from 32' to 4' without going
> through 16' & 8', great for live work.
> david
> David Salter
> Senior Consultant
> Reuters Messaging: david.salter.reuters.com@...
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> ________________________________
> From:
> On Behalf Of selfoscillate
> Sent: 11 September 2006 12:41
> To:
> Subject: 1 A111/2 tuning knob question
> hello list,
> i'd like to start a poll, but want to collect
> additional ideas first.
> the preliminary frontpanel design of the a111/2 dynamic vco
> offers two knobs for tuning: coarse tune and fine tune.
> lets say, that this is option 1.
> actually there are two other ideas regarding the tuning controls.
> option 2:
> an additional octave switch (like on the a111),
> so we would have three controls for tuning.
> option 3:
> a single multiturn tuning knob (similar to the zeroscillator
> tuning knob, but probably not that big in size), so
> we would have only one knob for tuning. this would be the
> most expensive solution tough.
> any other suggestions
> btw, from my personal preference i would prefer option 2.
> best wishes
> ingo
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