> amnesia <amnesia@...> wrote:
> Hi all
> I just bought my first Doepfers this week....I didn't want to ask for
> sounding stupid, but with the A149 can someone give me an example of a
> patch to use for this what is CVDin etc oh and again adsrs i understand
> on my Jupiter 8 but can someone give me a patch example please :-)\\
> Harry Hopless
IMHO the legend on the front of the module isn't very obvious. It's for the lower right
output next to "Man D" and not the more "obvious" output horizontally in line with the CV
D In jack and knob.
Okay so feed say a square LFO wave into the lower clock in. Take the lower right output
and connect it to something you can easily hear CV control changes in. Like a filter cutoff
or VCO CV input. You should hear the sound changing randomly. Now try the Man D knob
and see how it changes like the little bell curve illustration. It's showing the low middle
and high settings superimposed but of course you can adjust between those illustrated
So then as to answer your question, input 0-5 volts into CV D - perhaps an LFO of any
shape lasting several seconds will work, something fast will make it hard to hear a change.
What will happen is it will CV the distribution shape as the Man D knob will. Turn the CV D
knob all the way up and the Man D all the way down to start since the Man D knob has a
summing effect on your CV.
Also though it may be really obvious, keep in mind that the module is meant to output a
control signal, so in other words, it's meant to randomly control just about anything else
with a CV input (even itself) rather than for instance process or produce audio.
Actually I'm curious about any good tricks to use the A-149-2. I know the obvious use
would be to trigger multiple envelopes or anything that uses a gate. And I guess one could
feed some outputs into the Boolean module (if you own one) to get more semi-
randomness. I bet the intent would be to take advantage of But are there any other neat
and less obvious uses anyone knows I could guess that some A-129-3 vocoder slews or
the vocoder Synthesis module would yield some good experiments.