you need a special cable to plug the AS modules into
a doepfer frame. i have a few, but won't sell them ;-)
i got them from "touched by sound" in germany, but i'm
sure that these can be obtained elsewhere too, or
you can build them on your own. i believe that a description
is in the files section of this group.
i also have to point out that some AS modules won't work
in a doepfer frame (f.e. the rs360 filterbank), so you should
contact AS and ask for compatibility of the desired module.
another important point is that some AS modules need additional
5 volts, so you probably need to ask for that too.
a 5 volts lowcost adapter is available from doepfer, which
is doing this job nicely for loads not exceeding 100 ma.
and mounting other brand modules into a doepfer frame will
probably void the warranty!!
best wishes
--- In
, "southsubnotsubdude" <carfull@...>
> i'm putting together a new rack to keep steady company with my A100
> Basic...i've got a Doepfer PS2, bus rail (and a BBD 2048 hehe)....i'm
> doing some window shopping and like the sound of the Analogue Systems
> RS Putney filter and the features of other mods seem to compliment
> Doepfer nicely (don't worry Mr. Doepfer, i still love you) what
> does it take to hook up the AS stuff to the doepfer PS2/bus rail i
> heard something about a special plug or something...