This module idea may have been posted before, if so here it is
again. I would love a CV to MIDI Note converter. I think the A-192
does a great job at providing continuous MIDI streams from CV but
what I would like is Note events. I see the module being very simple
in function. It would have a CV in for Pitch, Velocity, and
Modulation depth (almost all midi synths can handle these) and a Gate
in. When the module sees the rising edge of the gate it samples the
CV inputs and makes a Note ON MIDI message accordingly. When the gate
goes low it makes the correct Note OFF. The MIDI channel can be set
via a dip switch (either on the PCB inside or poking through the
panel - a cheap solution). The CV input ranges would be standard 1V/
Oct for pitch and full positive Doepfer range for the others (these
are commonly scalable on the MIDI module end). A added bonus input if
affordable would be a continuous CV in for MIDI channel volume but
this could be provided by patching the MIDI out into the MIDI in of a
A-192. This would be a MONO device and only do one note at a time. It
could have a MIDI in that could merge and allow multiple units to be
stacked for POLY functions. The most common use for me would be to
set it next to a A-155 (build your own MAQ) or a LFO/A-148 (wild
appegios/scales). Anyway, I would love one or more in my rig to do
more CV control of my MIDI gear.
James Husted
The ErsatZ Planet Graphics and Sound
"Welcome to the first day of the rest of your money..."