Hé Synthfreak,
Need pieces of gear you have. Some real classics among them! You must have some a big room at home, for stacking so many machines!
You hope to have 70 modules soon, that's a quite lot. When I have my third row full, I have 27 modules. I can't go further then 6 rows in future, that's max, otherwise I would be patching on the ground!
We have a lot in common, when talking about Em music. From 10 listed names I have music too. I'm certainly going to check your first album out, when it's been published. When I like it, I make a review for one of the magazines I'm writing for. Will give you a lot of attention being mentioned in those mags!
Funny how we seem to keep disaggreeing about the colour of the leds Yes, your right about the synths you mentioned, alle have red leds, but that's not the colour the leds of my A-100 produce, their true orange. That's very special, cause I don't know directly any other synth with have orange leds. Quite as special as the yellow leds of the moog sequencer on the Moog 3P!
I hope your right Synthfreak, about changing the length per step, cause it's very important to me, I want to do "out of this world" sequences!!! I have read the manual on the Doefper side, but my technical insight is not so deep that I can figure out if you realy can change the length of the step. That's why I asked.
Sorry, but I'm only in posession of the sequencer from the 100M. I don't own the rest of the system! I quess I was just lucky, that I could purchase it cheap, years ago in an electro-shop!
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