Super work, again, Ingo!
many thanks,
best regard,
--- selfoscillate <
> wrote:
> hello list,
> here is another short sound example of the a111/2
> prototype.
> this time you hear the composed waveform of the vco
> only.
> consequently the morphing section, vcf and vca have
> not been
> used (knobs set to most neutral position).
> the a111/2 triangle wave output is patched back to
> the cv-wf input.
> an additional triangle wave from an a147 is patched
> to
> the a111/2 cv-pw1 input. you hear a short eight-note
> sequence.
> the starting waveform is a combination of sawtooth
> and triangle.
> first the attenuator of the cv-wf input is set from
> zero to eight.
> this switches between different waveform
> combinations within
> one waveform period. then the pulse1 is added by
> turning the
> pw1 knob from zero to five. then the pulsewidth
> modulation is
> added by opening the cv-pw1 attenuator.
> after that the wf knob is set from "sawtooth +
> triangle"
> to "sawtooth". then the pulsewidth modulation is
> removed,
> then pulse1 itself is removed. finally the
> modulation at
> the cv-wf input is fully attenuated. the ending
> waveform
> is a sawtooth.
> when viewing this recording on an oscilloscope the
> waveshapes
> might look a bit "noisy", but don't worry, this is
> only because
> of the mp3 encoding.
> best wishes
> ingo
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds
1 group owner
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