Hello group,
I haven't been visiting here for a long time.
A lot has happened I see! good!
A friend of mine is building a module that will be able to convert Doepfer (and other cv
sources) to be converted to the computer via a simple HID device. The connection for this
will be via USB. The maximum frequency it should pick up will be about 50 Hz.
The amount of inputs will be 6. The best thing will be that this will be in 10 bits.
So the values it will give you in the computer will be between 0 and 1023. (8 times the
range of midi!!!)
It will make it easy to use for instance Doepfer modules to drive Max/MSP patches (The HI
object will immediately recognize the HID device!) and Supercollider patches (an object
similar to Max's Hi exists in for supercollider, written by another friend of mine).
Examples: Drive Max/MSP with the Doepfer Theremin module, footcontroller, the A149
etc. (use your fantasy).
My friend is currently working on a prototype and estimates that he will sell this module
for about 60 euro's..
Let me know what you lot think about this.