Hello !! I appreciate your kind advice gratefully. I'm going to purchase "A-100 BS/2" and
"R2M" as a ribbon controller by Doepfer here in Japan. I don't know why the keyboard
was attached to the synthesizer like a "mini MOOG" The keyboard comes from classical
music in the west. You know the piano became just typical and general, Meanwhile there
are various tunes and instruments all over the world. I think the Modular synthesizer is
essentially free from the keyboard depending upon classical and popular music. This is
why I prefer the ribbon controller to the MIDI keyboard. By the way the Modular
synthesizer looks like a sculpture, isn't it So Doepfer seems to be a marble statue,
meanwhile Analogue Systems seems to be a wooden sculpture. Now Digital as well as
Software Synthesizer seems to be a picture. Therefore I am looking for not
epistemological music but ontological music by "A-100 BS/2" and "R2M" by Doepfer.
According to the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, philosophy and music are
closely related each other, not to mention mysticism. Analogue has, so to speak, a reality
of music. ciao !!