Can anybody tell me how I can become an Ingo, so I can test al the nice
I wannabe Ingo :)
2006/10/19, Florian Anwander <
> Hi Dieter (and perhaps Ingo ;-))
> > If anybody has patch suggestions for additional A-188-2 demos please
> tell
> > me. We'll try to make a demo with that patch. Probably next week Ingo
> will
> > obtain a second prototype and maybe he will have time to record some
> > examples as well and publish them on his website.
> - Feedback from another tap than the audio out is delivering
> - Multitap output from all taps, where the shortest tap has
> the lowest level. The level becomes higher with the delaytime
> of the tap. Creates some reverse sounding effects.
> - Two A-188-2 at different clock speeds with cross module
> feedback: Will produce reverb kind sounds. If modulated it has to
> be filend under "cases of failing drug prevention strategies". ;-)
> - Envelopemodulation from high to very low clock rates, with feedback:
> Cloudlike cluster sounds.
> Florian
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