Hello, Florian !!
This is credo99muro from Japan.
Thank you for your advice.
1. I'm sorry for my poor explanation. You know the Theremins such as "Etherwave Pro"
and "Etherwave Theremin" are the instruments.
Meanwhile the "Theremin systems" of A-100 are one of the Analogue Modular
Synthesizers. The former is available for a player and the latter is available for a
progmmer. So I wonder as if a musician would naturally play the "Theremin systems" of
A-100 on this occasion at concert....
> If I could do so, might I play the original Theremin in front of my own
> "Theremin system" of the A-100 Is it really odd
> I don't understand that sentence.
2. The "linearizing" trick is interesting, Could you please explain me what and how it is in
> it can be easier to use not standard VCOs with exponential
> Voltage/Frequency relation, but more linear relation.
> If you want the above mentioned "linearizing" trick you additionally need a > second
VCA A-130 (or A-138b plus A-132) and an inverter A-175.
3. Does the Theremin consist of VCO, VCF and VCA like an Analogue Modular
Synthesizer, too
> No. In real Theremins the antennas are part of the oscillator or
> amplifier. Modular systems strictly separate the functions.
4. I appreciate you recommended me Karl-Heinz Stockhausens: "Texte zur
elektronischen und instrumentalen Musik. I'm looking forward to reading it. I'm also
interested in the interaction between philosophy and music. I studied philosophy in
Japanese, English and German at Keio University. But I forget German now. I will try to
learn it again.
> I can recommend to read Karl-Heinz Stockhausens: "Texte zur
> elektronischen und instrumentalen Musik", who presents a similar,
> interesting theory.
5. Whichi did you refer to, the Theremins such as "Etherwave Pro" and "Etherwave
Theremin" or the "Theremin systems" of A-100
> For me as a not trained person it is quite difficult to play a theremin
> at all. The responsiveness is kind of exponential - big changes when
> narrow (e.g 2 octaves at the last 5 centimeters); smaller changes at a
> wider distance (one octave from 30 cm to 5 cm).
> It does not matter whether it is a Doepfer A-178 or a Moog or what ever.
> A Theremin is difficult to play; thats why I suggested a kind of CV
> compression for the output voltage of the module.
6. May I listen to your music of the "Theremin systems" of A-100
> The performance can be seen here:
> There are some pics also of the system I used:
ciao !!