> 1. I'm sorry for my poor explanation. You know the Theremins such as "Etherwave Pro"
> and "Etherwave Theremin" are the instruments.
> Meanwhile the "Theremin systems" of A-100 are one of the Analogue Modular
> Synthesizers. The former is available for a player and the latter is available for a
> progmmer. So I wonder as if a musician would naturally play the "Theremin systems" of
> A-100 on this occasion at concert....
I think, most player musicians will prefer the Etherwave type theremins.
> 2. The "linearizing" trick is interesting, Could you please explain me what and how it is in
> concrete
The principle is quite simple:
+---Invertert --------\
| \
Theremin-CV-out ----+----------------->lin-VCA------>to VCO
At low theremin output voltages the VCA will let through the control
voltage without big change. the higher the theremin output voltage
becomes, the less the VCA will let through this Voltage to the VCO. So
this is basically a compressor for Controlvoltages.
It requires a new A-130 as VCA. Theremin CV connected to Audio in1 (!),
Audio Out connected to VCO, The InverterOutput connected to CV2. The
Gain should be turned full clockwise. The position of the CV2
potentiometer determines how strong the "compression" becomes.
> 3. Does the Theremin consist of VCO, VCF and VCA like an Analogue Modular
> Synthesizer, too
In the original Theremin there is an Oscillator and an Amplifier. No
Filter. The original Theremin isn't voltage controlled at all.
> 4. I appreciate you recommended me Karl-Heinz Stockhausens: "Texte zur
> elektronischen und instrumentalen Musik. I'm looking forward to reading it. I'm also
> interested in the interaction between philosophy and music. I studied philosophy in
> Japanese, English and German at Keio University. But I forget German now. I will try to
> learn it again.
I think, The Stockhaus texts should be available in english too.
(Nevertheless: German is a beautyful language ;-)).
> 5. Whichi did you refer to, the Theremins such as "Etherwave Pro" and "Etherwave
> Theremin" or the "Theremin systems" of A-100
Both. It is - sorry - fucking difficult to play an Etherwave theremin as
it is difficult to play an A-100 based theremin.
> 6. May I listen to your music of the "Theremin systems" of A-100
Sorry, but there are no recordings from this event. Also this event
wasn't "music" in an traditional sense but more some kind of a wandering
sound cluster. Between the participants there was interaction, but not
of an harmonic musical type.