The rs200 Sequencer System contains the rs200 Sequencer, rs150
4-channel sequencer switch and rs280 audio / trigger clock divider.
The rs200 System has three channels, A, B and C, with individual
controls for each of the eight steps and a stepped range knob for
adjusting the overall output voltage of each channel (0V to +10V).
Channel C also has a Slew control for smoothing the output voltage, or
introducing a portamento effect if used with a VCO. In addition to a
step indicator LED, each channel also has two toggle switches. One is
a three-way Skip/Off/Reset switch which respectively skips selected
events, does nothing, and resets the pattern back to the beginning at
a specified step.
The rs150 Sequential Switch allows you to select between multiple
inputs and direct the chosen signal to the input of the next module in
the patch. Selection may be manual or may be triggered by the
application of a suitable clock or trigger pulse.
The rs280 audio and trigger clock divider is a frequency detector and
divider that produces a number of squarewave signals derived from the
frequency of any cyclic signal presented to its input. It has a single
input, five outputs, and five LEDs that give a visual indication of
the frequencies of the outputs.
* Three rows of 8-step CV generators with individual CV ranges and CV
outputs for each row
* Independent trigger outputs for each of rows 1, 2 and 3
* Internal clock with external CV input and clock output
* External clock input and manual step function
* Slew generator for portamento and other effects
* Skip, Reset, and Stop/Start functions with independent CV inputs
* End of sequence pulse output
* LEDs to indicate sequence position and trigger status on each step.
New Price = 1200 euro
Selling for 600 euro!