> Roland:
> SVC-350 Vocoder No so much CV control but still great
> to use with a modulaar synthesizer
> SBF-325 Flanger CV controled
> SPH-323 Phaser CV controled with two modulation souces
> with outputs, one CV input , one cv modulation rate.
> 4 and 8 stages.
> Boss:
> Most of what the called Boss Micro-Rack series are
> CV modulated controled effects,
> RPH-10 Phaser CV controled
> RBF-10 Flanger CV controled
> RSD-10 Digital Sampler delay Trigger controled
> Korg:
> Korg SE-500 Tape Delay Stage Echo has CV tape speed
> control and trigger switches.
> Korg SDD-xxx Digital Delay family, are all voltage
> and or trigger controled
> PSynth
> wrote: > > >
> Great question. I also think CV is a HUGE plus when
> shopping for
> effects. Off the top of my head I can tell you that
> my MoogerFooger Delay
> has CV inputs. I have a Korg Stage Echo 500 that
> has CV ins for various
> functions. Also, most of the old Eventide line has
> CV control, like their
> first Harmonizer. I own the Eventide Instant Flanger
> and you can add a CV In
> to that. Marshall Time Modulator also has a CV Input.
> Basically almost any
> regards,
> John
> On 11/15/06 1:36 PM, "redsawcloud" <
> wrote:
> > I'm looking for effects units to voltage control
> with my Doepfer. Effects
> > units that have a
> > voltage control input (something like the ADA
> Flanger that has a Voltage
> > Control input
> > jack) I like the idea of different kinds of equipment
> breathing voltages into
> > one another.
> > I'm having a difficult time finding units on the
> web.
> >
> > I'm curious how many people do this and what units
> are out there that allow
> > it
> >
> > Thanks for your help,
> >
> >
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