I haven't checked mine--my Doepfer system came already assembled by
Analogue Haven--but I'm sure there are tuning trimpots inside.
> Hi,
> Two questions, both might have been anwered on this board already,
> but i couldn't find anything definite by searching.
> The first question is about tuning. I have two A-110 VCOs. What is
> the supposed neutral setting for the Tune knob, if there is one I
> have to tune it to a bit over 8, to get a proper tune. Tracking works
> fine.
> The second question, is there a way to set the A-190 MCVS to work
> like this: If i press C3 on my keyboard, keep it down and press C4
> simultaneously, then release C4 while holding the C3, and the synth
> should play C3 again. This is how my other synths work.
> Thanks.