i think that's a great idea.
best regards,
--- levka0 <
> wrote:
> IMHO, this would be most interesting if this Q-VCA
> could also be
> connected to the A-149-9 behind the front pannels
> with a flat-cable
> (like A-149-1/2 and A-160/1), omitting the need for
> 4 extra patch
> cables.
> It would offer the combined benefits of efficient
> prepatching
> functionality as well as modular versatility.
> Without connecting
> this "under water" flat cable, this VCA could then
> be used for many
> other modules beside the A-143-9.
> Is this perhaps a feasible idea
> Best regards,
> Joost
> > We discussed the additional VCA option for the
> A-143-9 and have
> another suggestion:
> >
> > How about a separate quad VCA module with one
> common control
> (manual + ext. CV) for all VCAs. This module could
> be used even for
> other applications than only for the sine/cosine
> outputs of the A-
> 143-9. E.g. for the other four-fold modulation
> modules of the A-143-
> x series like the quad AD, quad ADSR or quad LFO. A
> separate quad
> VCA module would not be very much more expensive
> than four VCAs
> integrated into the A-143-9 (4 additional sockets
> plus a separate
> front panel). After all the quad VCA section of the
> A-143-9 would be
> also a separate pc board containing the four VCAs.
> If we add four
> input sockets and make a separate front panel we
> would have a
> separate quad VCA module which is from my point of
> view more
> flexible than four VCAs only for the A-143-9.
> >
> > Tell me what you think.
> >
> > Best wishes
> > Dieter Doepfer
> >
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds
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