I'll try to run those basic tests. I'll also try different patch
cables in case it's a matter of bad connectors; sometimes I can't get
a response somewhere in the system and by nudging the cable, it then
As for the feedback, I have already eliminated that because the same
intermittant problem was occuring with no feedback.
--- In
, "Adam-V" <adam-v@...> wrote:
> Seems a bit strange to me.
> I would start from scratch and just patch a VCO into the BBD input
> monitor the BBD output whilst manually tweaking the delay time to
> check the basic functionality of the module. Then I would try an LFO
> to modulate the delay time to determine that the CV2 input is
> functioning correctly. If that works then I would re-try the
> generator just to be sure I had actually connected it properly.
Then I
> would try a different envelope generator or perhaps recheck the
> envelope generator settings.
> One other thought, the feedback isn't set to a point that the BBD
> self-oscillating is it
> Perhaps one of the other members can offer up further ideas.
> Cheers,
> Adam-V
> --- In
, "regimental1200"
> <regimental1200@> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, I'm at work now and was just not refering to the correct
> > jack. I basically take the output of an envelope and I stick it
> > into CV2 of the BBD module. I also dial-in a bit of feedback.
> > Beyond that, only the MIX OUT is connected.
> >
> >