the problem thast mark describes is that he hears a
bit of FM when listening to other wevforms of the a111
while an lfo modulates the PW of the PWM input.
i suspect maybe the cem3340 is defective...
is that a new a111 module
best regards, :-)
--- Florian Anwander <
> hi Markus
> > Hi, I'm new to the group and have set my A100 to
> operation for the first
> > time a few days ago. I have one question
> concerning the high end
> > VCO A-111. When I modulate the PCV-Input with an
> LFO and turn the
> > PCV knob clockwise, there is also a weak FM in all
> signal outputs,
> > bad enough not to use PWM.
> Pay attention: the faster the PWM, the more it will
> sound like pitch
> modulation. For our ear a width modulated pulsewave
> is not one up and
> one down movement but two peaks, where one is
> frequency modulated[*]. If
> the FM seems to get weaker with slower LFO
> frequencies, then your A-111
> is not buggy but you discovered a nice
> psychoacoustical phenomenon.
> As rule of thumb you can say: the faster the
> modulating frequency is,
> the smaller the modulation amount should be
> Florian
> 2 you can test this by sending a pulswave through
> a unmodulatied
> phaseshifter and listening only to the effectsignal
> and then listen only
> to the original signal (no mix) you won't hear a
> difference.
> If you have a look at an oscilloscope (or wave edit
> window of a digitla
> recording tool), you will see that the waveforms
> look completely different.
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds
1 group owner
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