I have on of these modules from A Solutions and it's very useful.
Agreed that an expanded version would be great.
David Salter
Senior Consultant
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On Behalf Of Sylvain Delisle
Sent: 22 March 2007 12:35
Subject: 1 Unity gain mixer
New module suggestion: a unity gain mixer. Something like 7 INS to 1
OUT with no attenuators. 4HP.
Something like this in fact:
But replace the Inverted OUT of the MX61 by an other IN.
Possible variations:
- Replace the Inverted OUT of the MX61 by a CV-IN to modulate the
amplitude of the Output (for added versatility).
- Or Replace the Inverted OUT by a +/-DC offset potentiometer, but
I'd still prefer as much INS as we can put. My opinion.
I think this has already been suggested before, so it's not a
real "new" suggestion, but with so much modules giving digital outs
(A-152, A-149-3), clocks, gates, triggers ... we currently don't
have, AFAIK, a Doepfer product to mix those and build a composite
clock or rythm pattern composed from several sources. I think that
even more than before, a module of that sort is needed.
Yes, we have A-138 ... which is an overkill for that task, since we
don't need attenuation for that task and it has too few INS. You
need at least 2 A-138 to create a descent trigger pattern or clock.
Also, in the current trend for 16 to 28HP modules ... a highly
usefull and cheap 4HP would be welcome.
Personnaly I think this would be a highly usefull product that a lot
of people would want.
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