> Are the CV/Gate - Keyboards pictured on the Doepfer-Homepage really
> going to be produced in four- and two-octave versions, and, if so,
> when and at what prices, can we expect them to be available
> Greetings,
> -Michael
The CV/Gate keyboard will be available with metal case only in the 4 octave
version. All other versions (2, 3 and 5 octaves) are only available as
OEM/DIY products, i.e. only keybed + electronics without case. The 2 octaves
version shown in Frankfurt was built in a wooden case only for the
Musikmesse as an example how a OEM/DIY case can be realized.
The price for the 4 octave version with case will be in the 300...400 Euro
range. So far we have no quotation from the case manufacturer. The final
price will be calculated as soon as we have the price of the case. The price
for the OEM version depends upon the keybed (2,3,4,5 octaves) and will be
approximately in the 120 (2 octaves) ... 200 (5 octaves) range. Even other
Fatar keybeds can be connected to the CV/Gate electronics (e.g. organ type
keyboard TP/8O or church organ keybeds or keybeds with wooden keys, details
on the Fatar website www.fatar.com). But these keybeds are available only as
special orders (about 8-12 weeks delivery time).
In this connection I ask you (Bakis) for a poll. Which case color (4 octave
version) do you prefer: black or silver grey (only one case color is
possible). The cases will be manufactured about May and the CV/Gate keyboard
will be available about June 2007.
From tomorrow I'm not in the office for one week as I have to recover from
the Musikmesse (a bit skiing in Italy) :-)
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer