--- In
, "bellenger_a" <bellenger_a@...> wrote:
> > And finaly it will has possibilti to have four separate cv for pan
> yes but you'll need the extension module... with no attenuator or 4 of them with
> attenuators, not such a space saver...
that is the kiler of the space, this is why I was asking if this is closed project
as to put 4 cv in for pan for main module is what I need
If this stays like that it will not be at all "live" solutions,
things for furniture synths, sorry
> I also think I would be interrested if they are cv for Pan which I am interrested in too...
> as you mentionned this is proposed on the forecoming Plan B mixer no
yes, so I wait then for Plan B (btw their VCO is absolute killer)
> I would also like to see more modules thought in the sense of using A100 as an
> instrument for PLAYING music rather than only for MAKING sounds... but I dont know,
> so much interest around it seems for the moment...
yes I mean too, I found this great chalange to push my brain into heaviest
work to do as much as possible from 2 row of suitcase rack
we will see, to save space is something most important
in my case