I'm also having a problem with the A-190 gate light coming on at
startup and staying solid. This affects everything on the gate bus of
my box.
I edited the gate polarity setting via MIDI program change and got
nothing. I did a full reset and also got no response. This has happened
with three different MIDI controllers, so I know it's the A-190. Does
anyone have any ideas
--- In
, "dr_boehm_lebt"
<robert.sigmuntowski@...> wrote:
> Hello!
> What about a reset of the A-190 module If you don't know how to: you
> must switch the power off, push AND HOLD the four buttons of the A-190
> (labeled "Group", "Menu", "Inc./+" and "Dec./-"), turn on the power
> and LET THEM HOLD. The LEDs flashes about five seconds slow and then
> again about five seconds fast. After then you can release the buttons.
> Perhaps this could help...
> Best wishes
> Robert!