Going from CV to MIDI will almost always have some sort of zippering
effects. This is the nature of most MIDI continuous controller (CC)
messages. The CV will always be converted to discrete MIDI steps and
the only methods to make the steps small enough not to be easily
noticed is to use pitch-bend commands or other MIDI CC commands that
use higher and lower significant bits schemes. Most of the common
MIDI commands (like pitch and volume) have only 128 steps for their
complete range. In the pitch department these are usually notes and
not the "spaces" between. Another method is to send Sys-Ex data but
that is device dependent. A quote from the A-192 owners manual
confirms this:
The 16 analog inputs are internally converted into
digital data by means of an 8-bit analog-to-digital
converter (ADC). Because of the MIDI data format only
7 bits are used (MIDI data range 0...127).
This means 128 steps. If your filters input is scaled with this in
mind - not driving the full range of the filter for instance - you
may be able mask the steps. Much depends on the MIDI controlled
device. All control via MIDI and all CV to MIDI controllers have to
deal with this problem. It is not unique to the A-192.
On May 10, 2007, at 12:36 PM, redsawcloud wrote:
> Is the resolution of the A-192 cv-midi converter pretty smooth If
> controlling something
> like a software filter cutoff point, would there be zippering I
> read somewhere in this
> forum that it is not smooth enough to control pitch and that a
> higher resolution would be
> needed. I'm just looking for an idea of what applications users
> find it excels in. Does
> anyone use it to control plug-ins Has it been discontinued
> Thanks, Adrian
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