Does anyone have the details of how to perform this mod I don't
seem to be able to find any info anywhere.
--- In
, <hardware@...> wrote:
> > hello to all -
> > i recently traded for an a-110 vco (thanks, david, great trade !)
> > to add to
> > my system with the specific intention of adding the linear fm mod
> > to it. this
> > has been completed and works quite well - *if you have any d.i.y.
> > interest,
> > look at this mod* - it is totally simple (and i simplified my
> > set-up a bit
> > more by skipping the ac / dc coupling switch,i went with ac only)
> > - 1 jack, 1
> > pot and 1 cap.. since the pot value wasn`t specified, i used a 50k
as all
> > the other pots in the module were 50k and it seems to work fine.
> > this one is a winner ! :^)
> > i`ve always liked the a-110, i consider it the "volks - vco" as it is
> > adequate for most of my vco needs while remaining affordable and
> > the lin fm mod
> > gives it even more bang-per-buck !
> > i didn`t add the soft sync option as i don`t use sync that much
> > but i may go
> > back and retrofit it - i did have a question about it though - it
shows a
> > jack and pot but what is the pot for - i didn`t think it would
> > be needed for
> > a sync input - some sort of range control -
> > thanks !
> > best,
> > dave
> Dave,
> sorry for the late reply - but I had to understand the A-110 softsync
> circuit before I answer. The attenuator at the optional softsync
input does
> make sense. As you probably know the A-110 has a sawtooth core. The
> comparator that triggers the discharge (or reset) of the sawtooth has
> normally a trigger threshold of 0V/GND. With the optional softsync the
> trigger level of the comparator can be modulated with an external
> Different levels of the same soft sync signal lead to different
results as
> the trigger threshold of the reset comparator is modulated with
> amplitudes.
> In contrast attenuation of the hard sync signal would not make much
> in this case the sync would simply stop below at a certain level.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer