hello adam,
oops, you're right. it is actually a 7 input OR logic
gate. if it was a real mixer, then, when two 5volts
gates arrived into his inputs, the output would be a
10volts gate. and we do not need this.
doepfer can make a simple 7 inputs unity gain mixer
with an output that limits the outcoming voltage to a
set threshold, (say 5 volts, or 10 volts...). then
this unity gain mixer would behave very much like a 7
input OR logic module. (as the outcoming gate's
voltage level would never exceed the limit threshold
and you wouldn't end up having a very high gate
although: this hypothetical unity gain mixer (for
triggers and gates) would have an oputput that could
never exceed the power rails voltage (that being 12
volts). but even this would not be very satisfactory
as some modules behave differently regarding different
gate voltage levels.
so, quite probably, a 7 input OR logic gate would be
the best solution here...(as it would always give a
constant gate output level).
another idea:
a more complex module that would be a mixer and also
an OR logic gate. it would have 7 inputs and one
"mixer output" that would be the output of a regular
unity gain mixer(for outputing varable gate levels
depending on the incoming gates, a bit like Blacet
binary zone...) and an "OR logic gate output" that
would be the OR logic gate's output with the standard
constant 5 volts gate output...
best regards,
--- Adam-V <
> wrote:
> > unity gain mixer with 7 inputs and one output just
> for mixing
> > triggers and gates
> This sounds to me like you are proposing a 7 input
> "OR" logic gate
> rather than a mixer. Is that correct
> I would also like to see the opposite of this
> offered; a buffered
> multiple. Perhaps two single inputs and 3 outputs
> for each with the
> second input "normalled" to the first input.
> Cheers,
> Adam-V
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