> Hi phil,
> I suggested a few weeks ago (and others did also before me) a module unity
> gate mixer to add triggers/gates for building complex patterns, etc. For
> this kind of module you need as much inputs as you can, but also precision
> is not required. So my need for a version without attenuator comes from
> this. It's also apparent that a precision CV adder answer a
> different need
> than the unity gain mixer I'm looking for and there's certainly a
> place for
> both.
> When I suggested the unity mixer:
> "Something like 7 INS to 1 OUT with no attenuators"
> Dieter answered :
> "Such a module is already available as a prototype but I did not want to
> overcrowd our Messe news. We call it a high precision adder as
> the CV inputs
> are added up with exactly 1.00 amplification (...)"
> So this is why I'm getting my "no attenuator" suggestion back.
> Sylvain
For adding/combining gate or trigger signals a precision CV adder can be
used but would go over the top. In the precision adder a lot of manually
selected resistors (selected to 0.1% precision) and active electronics with
operational amplifiers is used and will contribute to the price of the
module. A module for the combination of gate/trigger signals could be
realized much easier without active electronics: nothing but e.g. seven
sockets connected to an eighth socket via diodes. Such a module could be
manufactered much cheaper (same price range as a multiple).
Maybe we will have to add more simple modules for all these jobs (like
switched multiple, gate/trigger combiner, manual gate, precision CV adder).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer