That's a great idea Florian.
I use various stomp boxes with my system and it's a pain getting level's
right for a clean signal.
I'll take a couple of those for sure.
Either that or provide send and returns within a CV mixer with a switch
for changing impedance
David Salter
Senior Consultant
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On Behalf Of Florian Anwander
Sent: 01 June 2007 09:58
To: A100
Subject: 1 Suggestion: Re-Amping/DI module
I suggest a Reamping/ext-in/DI-Module (A-119-2 ). What for is it
If you send a line signal from the A-100 to an external guitar stomp box
effect the line level of the signal will cause the guitar effect to
distort. Also the output signal of the effect will have wrong impedance
for the inputs of the moduls. While the second problem mostly might be
neglectable, the first one will cause distortions in the effects.
Solution: A module which provides two or three functions:
1.) Re-Amping - change the impedance to guitar level
2.) ext-in - adopt signals with instrument impedance/level to the
linelevel of the A-100
3.) DI - this module could be used perhaps also as real DI-Box
I could also imagine that this module and an additional, more
sophisticated envelope follower (with controls fo seperated
up/down-slewrates, threshold, hysteresis settings, and an insert between
envelope follower and gate follower) may replace the existing A-119.
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