A kick would be more like pure cranked filter resonance controlled by
ADSR. You want a nice fast pitch drop. Experiment with that.
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., ":::M 3 D I U M:::" <horn@m...> wrote:
> Cheers, I have been sitting on the list for a few months.. I have a
> system (even went to the company in Munich to pick it up.. I live
in San
> Francisco though) I was working on some drum sounds and had a
> I have the 808 transistor ladder and was working on a low kick drum
> Is it better to patch the source through a filter and then trigger
the ADSF
> with a pulse, or go source to ADSF then to filters I am having
> trouble getting a good solid basic kick drum... What has worked for
> Coleman.