@ dieter: that's more or less what i'm looking at - bending the 160/161 to run from a
subdivision of the input to the 160, i.e. one of the 160's outputs. if i can manage that,
then i'd like to try to get two 161s running at different speeds.
if i can reset them separately too - thanks for your post on this - then i can have them in
different time signatures too.
all of which would give me a pretty flexible sequencer combo for just 12TE, more so if i
add a vcs to it.
--- In
, <hardware@...> wrote:
> > p.s. @ dieter: how about a bus connection on the 161 for a second 161
> running from the same 160
> That's easy. You simple need a 10 pin cable with 3 female connectors (one
> for the A-160, one for A-161 #1 and one for A-161 #2).
> But I cannot see an application for this purpose. The outputs of the second
> A-161 would be a 1:1 copy of the first one unless you use different clocks
> or resets for the two units. But this requires some DIY as mentioned in one
> of my former messages.
> Best wishes
> Dieter