hello Silas,
ok, the poll has been created!
btw, you have just written the user's manual for this
module! :D
best regards,
--- Silas Johansen <
> wrote:
> On 6/19/07, Bakis Sirros
> <
> wrote:
> >
> > so, Silas:
> > if you are sure what this module should do and
> what
> > features should have, then, please, tell me
> "exactly"
> > what the poll should say.
> > then i can create it.
> > best regards,
> > Bakis.
> Hi Bakis,
> I'm not a tech writer so please ask if anything
> below needs clarification.
> /Silas
> Module Overview: The dual offset generator is
> designed to provide two CV
> offsets. In addition one half can be used as a two
> channel CV mixer.
> Top half: The top half contains one CV input with
> attenuator/inverter, one
> offset knob and one CV output.
> In 1 - CV input
> Out 1 - CV output
> In 1 - attenuator/inverter for In 1 CV. Turned fully
> right it leaves the
> signal unattenuated, in the center position it
> attenuates the signal
> completely, and turned fully left the signal is
> inverted.
> Offset - Controls CV offset. Turned fully left the
> signal is offset by -5
> volts, in the center position the signal is left
> unaffected and turned fully
> right the signal is offset by +5V.
> Bottom half: The bottom half contains one CV input
> with attenuator/inverter,
> one CV input without attenuator, coarse and fine
> offset knobs and one CV
> output.
> In 2a - CV input with attenuator
> In 2b - CV input without attenuator - useful for
> 1V/Octave control voltages
> Out 2 - CV output
> In 2a - attenuator/inverter for In 2a CV. Turned
> fully right it leaves the
> signal unattenuated, in the center position it
> attenuates the signal
> completely, and turned fully left the signal is
> inverted.
> Coarse - Controls CV offset. Turned fully left the
> signal is offset by -5
> volts, in the center position the signal is left
> unaffected and turned fully
> right the signal is offset by +5V.
> Fine - Fine control of CV offset. Turned fully left
> the signal is offset by
> -0.5 volts, in the center position the signal is
> left unaffected and turned
> fully right the signal is offset by +0.5V.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
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