> If that's right we speak about a new module which is a reduced A-138c with a
> manually adjustable offet (positive and negative), an input that is added to
> this offset and an output attenuator or polarizer for the sum.
yep. and florian's right, the attenuator would be unnecessary, or so i expect. i'd personally
rather use the rack space for a second offset, since it's not going to fit onto 4TE anyway.
or maybe just leave it as an as-small-and-cheap-as-possible-module-for-unspectacular-
uses. this touches on the whole question of modularity (jeez, what a word!). the sortiment
of modules is huge, with expansion possibilities in two directions; ever larger combo
modules - the voice processor, quad modules and the like - or in the other direction,
namely, smaller modules that do less, cost less, and take up less space, where the user
can go deeper into the modular aspect of creating a synth (or whatever) and put together
his/her own cocktail.
for example, the dual vca module is, i imagine, to be found in nearly every rack. small,
cheap, essential. would there be demand for a low-cost vco range, tune, cv in with
sawtooth and square outputs. i know i'd buy a couple. this is only my personal modular
philosophy, hence the wish for a simple offset module, but one there's one thing that
everyone on this list has in common - we ALL want to put our own hardware combination
together :)
respect to all the more experienced contributors that disagree with me,